From the Dept Of Old Ideas Made New: Is the World Ready for Wendell Berry?

Who is Wendell Berry? From Wikipedia

Wendell Erdman Berry (born August 5, 1934) is an American novelist, poet, essayist, environmental activist, cultural critic, and farmer”

Going Home with Wendell Berry | The New Yorker

Oddly, the Wikipedia squib left out the most important aspect of Wendell Berry’s life. He views himself as a custodian of the land. And he advocates that we all would be a lot happier if we saw ourselves that way as well. This theme runs through everything he has said and done throughout his careers.

Garry Lovely talks about Berry with Nick Offerman for LitHub. If you are looking for eco-inspiration, check it out!

One of the key ideas about Berry that I love — he advocated slowing down. Not being lazy, but not rushing around like a poulet sans tete. Doing that opens the eyes to the beauty of what we have all around us. The beauty of the land

The beauty of people

A smile can change the world – But don't stop there - Pittsburgh Parent

And the beauty of work, when you do it well.

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