Thinking about Mr. Money Mustache

This is a blog that often touches on “good life” themes. Indeed, we sometimes fantasize here about doing stuff that we cannot afford. No, for example, I will most likely never be able to afford a private jet. Nor will I be able to check into the George V for a month or two. And dining out? Well, I am not a three star addict, to be sure.

But Mr. Money Mustache would have me — and you — go mcuh farther and totally abandon these fantasies.

(He) does not want to give you control over your safe middle-class existence or to allow you to live it comfortably. He wants you to blow it to smithereens.

Is there something to this? There is and there is not. Mr. Money Mustache is right about one thing. It is very rewarding to NOT spend money on stuff that you can do yourself. And our consumer society does not offer us the chances that it should to learn how to do more for less. My dear old great aunts were much better at this than I am.

But I do part ways with Mr. Money Mustache when he goes beyond this. It is also a hell of a lot of fun to spend money if you can afford it. It is fun, though a bit more nerve wracking, to spend money even when you cannot afford it. So I think we need more than Mr. Money Mustache to help find this balance.

How do we find it? Here is my vision. Every day, we do lots of stuff. Even the laziest of us do this. But how much benefit do we get from what we do? Interesting question. What if we could get more benefit — including financial benefit from stuff that we do really well?

Interesting? Stay tuned! This is an important thread!

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