How to Counter Russian Glide Bombs

The other day, I posted on how the Ukrainians are working to neutralize the Russian loitering drone called the Lancet. Achieving that would give the Ukrainians a major edge in battlefield intelligence control.

Another Russian weapon system has been troublesome. That is the so called “glide bomb”. These bombs are launched from jets flying miles behind the front lines, and travel with a very low radar footprint. They carry a huge amount of explosives and are used by the Russians to obliterate areas where Ukrainian troops are suspected to be dug in.

So how to counter these? This article dives into the detail.

In short, there are a number of potential tactics. From my perspective, the most promising would be to use F16’s, missiles etc. to take out the Russian jets. That means pairing the Swedish AWACS and long range radar and US air to air and air to ground missile systems.

Stay tuned on that one. The F16’s may already be in Ukraine.

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