Buzzed Politics: Are We Over Reacting to the Presidential Debate?

The day after Donald Trump and Joe Biden shared a stage for their debate, many folks moaned and groaned about Joe Biden’s miserable performance. And they have a point. Joe did not look engaged, and he flubbed up some answers,.

But as the dust settles, the more important question is whether the debate moved the needle at all for one candidate or the other. And we are most interested in whether it moved the needle for indie voters.

So any initial feedback?

Yes. From the video below, the indie voters responded that Trump did not impress them. They are not moving to Trump world based on this performance.

I felt a bit relieved watching this. But it is still too soon to tell whether the debate will have any impact beyond the media frenzy that followed it.

BTW, I do not think Joe’s off night will lead to a dump Biden movement among dems. It raises the level of attention they will give to Biden’s performances, but Biden can make up for his off night.

We shall see, said the blind man!

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