the Scottish Answer to Fäviken

Here is the promo

Inver, a small restaurant tucked away in a village on the banks of a Scottish loch (that’s a lake, for you visitors), opened a few years ago to much praise: British restaurant critic Marina O’Loughlin simply wrote, “Go. Go by car or boat or bloody helicopter.”

Interested? Here you can find more!

We’re talkin’ bout somtin like this ladddie

Image result for Inver Scotland

A story from the Telegraph

The last time I went for dinner at Inver, I drove from an unusually hot Edinburgh during Festival time, straight into the horizontal rain that I suspect surrounds Loch Lomond 363 days of the year. Such is Scotland: I always need a raincoat, but going always make me happier than anywhere else in the world.

Hmmm … happiness indeed! It gets better!

As I arrived, the clouds cleared, the setting sun bathed the ruin of Lachlan Castle in golden light, and I was left with a view from my table of the vivid moss and golden weeds around Loch Fyne. Then it got better. I had the best meal of last year in this unprepossessing whitewashed cottage, from potato broth that tasted like a buttery jacket spud to a blackcurrant leaf mousse with chunks of milk crumb.

Is that not enuf far ya?



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